Church Council

The Church Council is made up of representatives from each committee. They envision the entire task of the church while maintaining mutual cooperation and promote the genuine ministry of Christ’s Church. This council acts as the Executive Committee in the affairs of the church.


The Deacons—along with the pastor—are responsible for the spiritual life of the church.

Mission & Social Action

The Mission and Social Action committee at the United Church of Bernardston is dedicated to embodying the principles of compassion, justice, and service taught to us by Christ. We work closely with agencies like Church World Service to support initiatives such as the CROP Hunger Walk and the Mother's Day Blanket Drive, which provides aid to people who are suffering. Additionally, we actively support local institutions like the Franklin County Community Meals Program and the Franklin Area Survival Center. Through these efforts, we strive to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need, both locally and globally. Join us as we work together to spread love and kindness in the world.

Welcoming & Outreach

The Welcoming and Outreach Committee serves the UCB community in several ways. We arrange for greeters to welcome returning people and visitors to the worship service each Sunday. We send cards to college youth to keep connected while they are away at school. We send birthday and holiday cards to members who are unable to attend church regularly or who are in nursing homes or hospice care. We work with the Pastor to encourage church membership and hold an annual Membership Sunday to recognize those who have joined the church and to express gratitude to those who continue to participate in the life of the church, whether that be in person or online.

Christian Education

More information to come…

Property & Finance

Property and finance is in charge of the budgeted funds, real property and trust funds of the church.

Flower Committee

The flower committee arranges for flowers and or plants to decorate the sanctuary for each Sunday service. Recently we have been attempting to make use of live plants or locally grown flowers.

The committee is also able to purchase flower plants to celebrate Christmas and Easter. These flowers are typically ordered by parishioners. When ordering, a choice is selected to take the plant home, or have it planted around our church. It is nice to see flowers popping up from previous years.

We are currently looking for new members, come and join the fun!!!